How to Study Advanced Listening – Listening Strategy Guide

Predicting the themes and vocabulary of a lecture before you listen can help to improve your comprehension of difficult listening segments.

How to Study Advanced Listening, Part 1

This guide describes key strategies for improving your listening skills. As you complete this course, review these strategies carefully and often.

How to Study Advanced Listening, Part 2

This guide describes key strategies for improving your listening skills. As you complete this course, review these strategies carefully and often.

How to Study Advanced Listening, Part 3

This guide describes key strategies for improving your listening skills. As you complete this course, review these strategies carefully and often.

How to Study DynEd

Learn how DynEd calculates your study, and find out how you can study more effectively.

How to Study Let’s Go

Welcome to Let’s Go, an award-winning multimedia program designed for children who are beginning their study of English or who are learning to read and write in English. Using themes and situations common to children everywhere, Let’s Go provides the vocabulary and language structures needed for everyday communication.

How to Study Let’s Go (Japanese)

English language learning for children.

User Guide : How to Study DynEd

DynEd courseware is designed to help you acquire the target language in a natural but accelerated mode of learning. It represents a significant advance over traditional English language learning materials. As with any new set of tools, however, teachers and students alike need to develop techniques and strategies for using it most effectively. This Study Guide offers suggestions for how to study most effectively.

User Guide : How to Study DynEd (Japanese)

ダインエドコースウェアの学習法 ダインエドの教材は従来の英語学習教材とは異なり、言語を自然にしかも短期間で習得 できるようデザインされています。しかし新しい道具を使う時と同じように、この画期 的な教材の効果的な使用法を知っておく必要があります。ここではその方法をご案内し ます。

User Guide : How to Study DynEd (Korean)

DynEd 학습법

DynEd 학습시스템은 당신이 익히고자 하는 목표 언어를 자연스러우면서도 가속된 방식으로 학습 할 수 있도록 디자인 되어 있습니다. 기존의 영어 학습 방식들에 비해 월등히 발전한 기법입니다. 그렇지만 여느 새로운 도구들과 마찬가지로, 선생님들과 학생들은 이 도구들을 효과적으로 사용하기 위한 테크닉과 전략을 개발해야 합니다. 이 학습가이드에서는 효율적으로 학습하는 방법을 제안합니다.