April ’18 – DynEd Launches Powerful New Solution for Professional English Language Learners
San Jose, CA, Monday, Thursday, April 30, 2018, DynEd International, Inc. announces today the release of neo ™ Professional, a comprehensive English language learning solution that combines mobile app self-study and one-on-one coaching that guarantees results for global companies that require their workforce to be fluent in English. neo Professional will roll out incrementally across the globe during the coming months.
With the neo Study App, learners master English rapidly while being immersed in language activities. The App was created by nexgen english online, co. (nexgen) using DynEd’s syllabus, course content and industry-leading algorithms, but fully updating them for mobile devices. Self-study is paired with one-on-one synchronous coaching on neo LIVE’s global online training platform, where DynEd-trained coaches meet with learners at least once a week to refine their conversation skills.
Thanks to neo Professional’s advanced AI technology, coaches can specifically address any problem areas learners have encountered during the self-study sessions. “At DynEd we are committed to English mastery for all employees of global companies, regardless of where they live, and we do that with a financially compelling ROI for those organizations with global needs,” says Ian Adam, DynEd’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “Being fully data-driven, our AI sequences content for each learner in real-time, and presents individualized session scripts instantaneously to the learner’s coach anywhere in the world.”
In addition to meeting the organization’s English fluency goals, DynEd provides career-oriented learners with internationally accepted certification aligned with the skill levels defined by the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR), the most accepted global language framework.
About DynEd International, Inc.
DynEd International, Inc. was founded in 1987 by a team dedicated to improving the quality of language education. The company’s blended approach combines the best of teachers and technology, and is built around a brain-based learning theory that is a breakthrough in English language learning. Now, after more than 30 years of results, DynEd has the world’s most comprehensive lineup of award-winning technology-based English language teaching (ELT/ESL) solutions.
About nexgen
nexgen is a Silicon Valley company based in San Jose, California with offices in Jakarta, Indonesia. nexgen is dedicated to providing next-generation English language learners with sophisticated learning content which, when combined with real-time advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI), allows learners to achieve their English language goals—guaranteed.